Nous avons des vélos! We have bikes!

Après avoir visité deux magasins pour essayer de trouver des vélos de seconde main, nous sommes revenus les mains vides. Nous avons mentionné à notre propriétaire Jason que nous n’avions pas trouvé ce que nous cherchions et que le choix était minime.  Il nous a offert les deux vélos que son frère avait laissé dans le garage de son autre immeuble.  Les vélos étaient couverts de poussière et on pensait qu’un des vélos avait une crevaison, et oui en effet  il y avait un petit clou dans le pneu. Après avoir enlevé le clou et changé le tube, le vélo était prêt pour la route. Une fois les vélos nettoyés, on s’est vite rendu compte que ce sont de très bons vélos. Et puis, quand tu reçois des vélos avec les casques, outils, pompe à air, des bouteilles pour l’eau pour la modique somme de $0€, c’est merveilleux et on ne se plaint pas.  Merci Jason, nous voici en train de pédaler sur les berges du canal du Midi!


After visiting two stores to try to find second hand bikes we came back home empty handed. We mentioned to our landlord Jason that we had not found what we were looking for and that the choice was minimal. He lent us two bikes that his brother had left in the garage of his other building. The bikes were covered with dust and we thought that one of the bikes had a flat tire and it turned out there was a tiny nail in the tire. However, after removing the nail and changing the tube the bike was good to go. Once the bikes were cleaned, we soon realized that they are very good bikes. And when you get bikes with helmets, tools, air pump, and water bottles for the modest sum of $ 0 €, it’s wonderful and we won’t complain. Thanks to Jason here we are cycling along the Canal du Midi!



Once again,Mike and Louise,thanks and appreciation are sent your way for keeping us on your mailing list.It brightens our day to see what you are doing ,from a distance,as we try to recall what it was like to have that kind of energy....Glad that you were lucky in your bike-search,now you can explore to your hearts' content.....No snow here yet,but many parts of Canada have not been so fortunate,probably including Lori's environs. You probably don't anticipate too much, hopefully not enough to clog up your wheels!....We've been enjoying your pic's-as you can imagine,Neil is getting considerable mileage out of showing his farming buddies what farmers in France do in protest against the establishment;he hasn't quite stirred them up enough to try the same thing.....During our recent municipal election,our twp.mayor was booted out;can't understand it,with him a good relative of ours (yours and mine,Mike) ,Jim Labow;guess people just don't know a good thing when they have it.....Neil would say this is becoming a `Salter conversation' so I'd better sign off .Best of luck with your adventures. Uncle Neil and Aunt Lois We also rec'd your postcard,Merci Beaucoup!

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