Well. Now we've gone and done it!

After discussing it for over a year we have made the plunge. Now that the house is sold and all our belongings are trickling out the door, we have put down a deposit and the first month's rest on an apartment in Carcassonne. It is 800 euros a month which converts to about 1200 Canadian and we will be required to pay water and electricity. The beauty of the place is its location. Just below the ramparts, within walking distance of the markets and the Canal du Midi. We move in on 1 November.

You can see the details at http://www.carcassonneapartments.com/Property%2024%20rue%20de%20la%20Gaffe.htm

Both of us are a bit nervous about this but we are far more excited. So much to see.

Vendu! Sold!

Yeah! We sold our house. Possession date 14 July. All is good with our plan.

Yeah! Nous avons vendu notre maison. Date de possession le 14 juillet. Tout fonctionne bien avec nos plans.


Waiting for the house to sell

We're now waiting for the buyer of our house to take off the final condition of sale. Apparently they had the well water tested and it had ONE part per million coliform. This after a test taken in February where it was zero. So now they need to consult with their lawyer. This waiting is stressful. We want to unload the house and get going on our retirement. We shall see.